Category: IT

  • Docker-Compose: Update images, redeploy and prune unused images



    I really like simpel oneliner commands in general. For example I use this oneliner to update, redeploy containers with the latest images and remove old unused container images. You can add the following line to your .bashrc to make an alias containing all the above commands in a single command called “compose-upgrade” After adding this…

  • RetroLab

    welcome to my little RetroLab. Started collecting/playing around with some old stuf during the corona pandemic Inventory Digital Equipment Corporation 2x DEC Alpha Server 1200 One is running Windows Server 2000 Alpha for Alpha version and the other is running OpenVMS 8.4. Configuration is not identical both are dual processor one with 533Mhz and 400Mhz…

  • Deploy WordPress using docker-compose



    Here is an example of how I used docker-compose to deploy my current WordPress install. All my containers are exposed directly into my network using an IPv4 address. To store persistent data I use persistent volumes. Command to create the persistent volume: Example docker-compose.yaml: